3 foods that will keep your liver healthy

One of the most important lever of human organs, and an adult liver weighs 3 pounds. Liver involved in many important body. For example, the power of digestion, metabolism, increase immunity, the body fit, and nutrition. Healthy liver controls the body's blood flow, blood harmful toxins out of the body provides all the nutrients. Also liver vitamin A, iron, and store glucose sugar.

Since the liver is an important part of our body, so that's no way to keep it healthy. Unhealthy living a bad effect on the body, the liver. Weight gain, heart disease, long time to feel fatigue, digestive problems, allergies, etc. All of these diseases can arise due to ill liver. So, to keep the body healthy liver and recognize that some foods, which keep you healthy.
Garlic is good for the liver to keep clean. Garlic enzymes help to clean liver harmful toxic material. There are two elements to it, whose name allicin and selenium, which protects the liver to be cleaned and the harmful toxic elements.
1. Every day any time of the day should eat 2 or 3 pieces of garlic.
2. Also by doctor's advice should eat the vitamin which is made of garlic.
Lemon antioxidant ingredients, helps to keep clean the liver, DE lemonade material of lemon activate the liver enzymes. Moreover, the lemon vitamin C, which the liver produces more enzymes useful for digestion of energy. Lemon strengthens the power to absorb mineral nutrients cure liver. Lemon mix water drink at home regularly. Made it at home to drink any. Drink lemon mix water every day, you can also mix honey when it to drink.
The liver will healthy by eating an apple every day. Apples pectin & fiber keep away toxin from digestive tract and cholesterol from blood. And also keep the liver well. There are some elements in apple - malic acid in the blood which is the natural way to remove harmful toxins. Any kind of apple is good for the body and the liver. So every day eat an apple to keep the liver healthy.

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