How You Can Control Your Diabetes!!!

Although the life is full of joy & enjoy, from the body gradually be lost the strength, energy & power if the body of the lodge diabetes. Various problems faced by a diabetic patient. Day by day Increasing the number of diabetes cases in the world. Now, 422 million people in the world of adult victims of this disease. So keep away diabetes of this year's World Health Day. On last April 7, the World Health Organization, WHO established the Day. Every year this day is celebrated as World Health Day. This year the theme of World Health Day is' diabetes bit. So this is a day to learn 5 ways to keep you away from diabetes.

1.    Loss Weight: - Diabetes is a major cause of excess weight. As weight increases, the more the danger of diabetes will increase. Lean body that will help to keep you away from diabetes. So when diabetes patients to always keep the weight under control.

2 Eating Light food for Breakfast: - Diabetes cannot be excluded to avoid the coolest snack. Within the last 3 hours of waking up in the morning and remove Snack text.

3. Eat foods high in fiber – Which food have fiber, that should be listed on regular food list. Such as fruits, vegetables, beans, grains of corn, nuts, etc. Eating foods high in fiber reduces the absorption of carbohydrates in the body. As a result, the amount of blood sugar is under control.

4. Get regular exercise: - If you must escape from diabetes to exercise. The weight is under control, as well as the use of insulin is the right way. As a result, there is much less chance of diabetes.

5. Stop Smoking - If you stop smoking now if you want to escape from diabetes. Smoking enhanced the trend of diabetes.

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