The ancient Greeks used garlic in many areas of their daily
lives. In addition, in order to better compete in the Olympic Games, 1
sportsman eat garlic. Add garlic in ancient China and Japan as well as high
blood pressure, reducing the domestic component was used. Garlic has long been
used in India for a long time to prevent heart disease and has been pain gate.
Again, honey has been used in many countries as a curative
element. 0 by mid-century, and it is compared with antibiotics. Honey, who is
considered to be infection resistant material. These are two great things
together, then fold increase even more.
A mixture of garlic and honey, a variety of infections such
as cold, fever, cough, and treat it well. It enhances the immune system. Only
seven plays a mixture of garlic and honey, much to protect body from various
According to Rice, the economic life in the Strait of honey
and garlic mixture.
• A medium-shaped jar.
• Honey.
• Three or four garlic. (peel out garlic piece)
• Take garlic pieces in the jar. Pour in the honey. Save the
mixture in the refrigerator jar mouth shut.
• Eat Half a teaspoon
of the mixture on an empty stomach every day. For the prevention of infection
by half a teaspoon a day, six times a cold can eat it. It will work to remove
the infection.