One of the most nutritious vegetables in delicious and nutritious winter vegetables carrots. Carrots and other vegetables are available during the winter with plenty. There are about 100 different species of carrots.
 Carrot contains vitamins and minerals. For example, thiamine, niacin, vitamin B-6, manganese, which is very important for health. Carrot also have more fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K and potassium. That means that all of the vitamins and minerals to keep our bodies healthy to have all the necessary components Carrot. The carrot is a vegetable all worthy attributes. Let's take a look at the health benefits of carrots.

Dentists protect carrot

The importance of dental health to save a lot of carrots. Eating carrots to clean teeth. Accumulated teeth and pluck away. Doctors say eating carrots in our face, "Silva called a compound emissions. Silva maintains the balance of the acid, which destroys the bacteria responsible for tooth decay. Eating carrots a day away gums and teeth problems.

Cancer Preventive

Researchers discovered the carrot of lung cancer, breast cancer and helps prevent colon cancer. Falcarindiol and Falcarinol the cancer compounds, prevents the growth of cancer cells. Carrot production of these two compounds is a natural way. Carrots eating itself out of the body helps to develop anti-cancer. Carrots also prevent skin cancer. According to researchers, about 70% of the people who regularly eat carrots from skin cancer survived.

Remove the impression of the appearance of age

Carrot existing beta-carotene helps to undo the damage of the skin. Beta carotene is a very good anti-aging spots caused by age and the elements which face away wrinkle. Eating carrots will slow in the face of signs of age. The researchers said that the appearance of carrots, ages 6 weeks to remove the mark.

Eye protection carrots

Vitamin A-rich carrots on. Vitamin A works to protect the eyes. Also on carrots beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A in the liver reaches the retina. The vitamin A in the retinal rhodopsin. Rhodopsin pigment a light purple which enhances night vision. So the carrot that keeps us away from night blindness.

Keeps the liver healthy

Carrots like as a detox food. Detox food and beverage helps to keep the liver healthy. Carrots clean liver. Against all types of diseases involving the liver works. The accumulation of fat in the liver to remove all the carrots from the effect of a drug.

Clean blood

Carrots clean the blood. Eating carrots skin is delicate and beautiful. Fairness and enhance the beauty of the face of women can eat more carrots. Whose stomach gas, burning the body that they will benefit by eating carrots.
Many times carrots. For example, increased appetite, and easy to digest. Blood, bile, hemorrhoids, stomach ailments, cough, and the air is like a disease. De-worming carrots. It is like heart disease. Chew raw heart patients will benefit more than eating. It has a lot of vitamin A. Lack of vitamin A weakens the body and physical strength decreases. The skin becomes scaly body. Is night blindness. Gum disease. The bones become soft. So get prevent of all diseases by eating carrot.
The hemorrhoids, tuberculosis, and suffering from bile, they will benefit regular feeding carrot salad. Baby carrots are feeding, nutrition, and disease resistance leads to rapid Increase foolish. Eating carrots will benefit those who have urinary irritation. Gastric-ulcer patients eat carrots benefit.
200 % of your daily vitamin A needs, you will receive from Carrot. Carrots is an excellent source of vitamin A or beta-karyotin. Phytonutrients different types of anti-oxidants, such as carrots lycopene and acts as a preventative against cancer. Beta carotene help maintain eye health. To fully benefit from the nutritional value of carrots and eat raw or half-done condition. Do not throw boiling water or cooking. Eaten as greens, carrots, spinach and carrots leaflet three times more beneficial than carrots.